Dirty oven and oven racks WITH HOW TO INSTRUCTIONS

Cleaning oven racks

Cleaning oven racks can be awkward/ really hard if you don't have a good size sink, large container or bathtub to clean them in. So, you need to make sure you have something you can put your racks in, and the water needs to cover them up.

  • For every 1l of water you put in, you need to add 1 scoop of SHYN grime lifter. 
  • Fill your sink, tub or bath with boiling water enough water to cover the racks.
  • Mix the powder into the water using a large spoon or brush until the powder is dissolved into the water.
  • Once the powder is mixed into the water, place your racks in the water and allow them to soak for 15- 30 minutes, check on them and see if everything is ready to be wiped off.
  •  Once you can see the grime has gone from hard grime to soft a soft residue you begin wiping the racks in the water using your steel scrub until they're perfect. 
  • You might need a brush to get into the edges of the racks.
  • Then rinse them in a tub of clean water, removing the product residue.

How can it not work? 

  • You've not put enough grime lifter in 
  • You didn't mix the solution into the water. 
  • The water wasn't hot. 


  • Wear temperature resistant gloves 
  • Don't inhale the powder. 
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