Caring for Your Magic Erasers: Maintain Maximum Cleaning Power

Rinse After Each Use: After each cleaning session, rinse your magic erasers thoroughly to remove dirt and debris, keeping them fresh and ready for next time.

Prevent Grime Build-Up: Avoid using magic erasers when they’re heavily soiled. Rinsing them during use prevents buildup, ensuring they remain highly effective.

Machine Wash for Refreshing: Magic erasers can be machine washed to extend their lifespan. For best results, wash them separately to remove trapped dirt and restore their cleaning power.

Use Wet for Optimal Performance: Always use magic erasers damp. The added moisture enhances their cleaning capabilities, making them more effective on tough stains.

Rinse During Cleaning: For consistent cleaning power, rinse your magic erasers periodically as you clean. This removes accumulated dirt and maintains their effectiveness throughout the task.

By following these care instructions, you’ll get the most from your magic erasers, ensuring they deliver a powerful, efficient clean each time.