Caring for Your Steel Scrubs:

  1. Rinse When Dirty: After each use, rinse your steel scrubs to remove accumulated dirt and debris.

  2. Avoid Grime Build-Up: Refrain from using steel scrubs when they're heavily soiled with grime. Keeping them relatively clean ensures optimal performance.

  3. Machine Wash for Reuse: For reuse, you can wash your steel scrubs in the washing machine. Unlike magic erasers, they can be washed with other items, but avoid placing them in the dryer.

  4. Always Use Wet: To achieve optimal performance, always use steel scrubs when wet. The moisture enhances their cleaning capabilities.

  5. Rinse in Between Cleaning: While using, periodically rinse the steel scrubs to maintain their effectiveness throughout the cleaning process.

By following these care instructions, you'll maximize the lifespan and cleaning power of your steel scrubs. Remember not to place them in the dryer to ensure their durability.