Here are the items you will need to clean your fan:
- SHYN Degreaser
- Magic eraser
- Wet Multi Use Microfibre
- Dry Multi-use microfibre
👉 Here are the steps to clean your fan:
1️⃣ Spray the fan generously with SHYN Degreaser.
2️⃣ Use a wet magic eraser to sweep off all remaining grime.
3️⃣ With your wet microfibre cloth, wipe off the product from all parts of the fan.
4️⃣ Use your DRY microfibre cloth to thoroughly dry off the fan.
🧹 That's it! Your fan should now be sparkling clean and ready to keep you cool.
Sometimes you won't need a magic eraser, you'll be able to use a microfibre to remove the grime.